Belgium, Bibliothèque de la ville de Tournai, Cod., 8

Headnote: Moralia super Job

Size: 135x100 mm

Type: Commentary

Date: xv

Folia: 142 + 3

Do pre-war images survive?: no

Illuminated?: no

Catalogue description: In-18, vélin; 142 feuillets, dont f. 111e est lacéré; plus 3 feuillets de garde. XVe siècle; recouvert en parchemin. Provient du chanoine De Winghe.

Notes: Sixteenth-century binding. The MS contained two erased ex-libris inscriptions, described by Faider (on f. 1r: "Este liber perti[net] fratri[…]" and on f. 142v: "L[ibe]r fr[….]norum [..]". A later inscription (on the first flyleaf) recorded that the MS was among those of the canon of Winghe; running titles in red and letters in blue (according to Faider, p. 37)

Source: Amable Wilbaux, Catalogue de la bibliothèque de la ville de Tournai, vol. 1 (Tournai: Typ. de H. Casterman, 1869).

Source 2: Faider, Paul and Pierre Van Sint-Jan. Catalogue des manuscrits conservés à Tournai: Bibliothèques de la ville et du séminaire. Vol. 6. (Gembloux: J. Duculot, 1950).