Contents: The Central Library of Coventry, item # 4

item title incipit language date of text start folio start side notes transcription
1 Tanners' Company Ordinances Opens with names: 'Thomas Benion’ and ‘William Mabs', then an inscription: "July the 5, 1636 [and on a different line] ffrancis neale saide that he toke Edward Smith prentis the 29 September 1635 for seven years". The first folio (p.3 of the transcription) opened with: ‘This Booke of orders is made and renewed by the whole Consent and agreement of the Companie of Tanners being collected and gathered out of the ancient bookes and writinges euer since the xth yeare of Kinge Henrye the 7’. English 1605-1742 1 r In continual use by the Tanners from 1605 (or 1603, according to one report) to 1742. The original sources of some of the admission records later in the manuscript have survived; for the identification of these records and brief transcriptions from them, see Milne, "Early." Survives in an early twentieth-century typewritten transcription (likely the one made by Fretton) Coventry Records Office, Acc 241; see Milne, "Early."